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dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Business accelaration
Vulputate qui wisi modus usu te error no sea ut partiendo ex modo vis. Ius paulo quo qui mediocrem has mel mel cu wisi pro.
Technology solution delivery
Vulputate qui wisi modus usu te error no sea ut partiendo ex modo vis. Ius paulo quo qui mediocrem has mel mel cu wisi pro.
Team augmentation
Vulputate qui wisi modus usu te error no sea ut partiendo ex modo vis. Ius paulo quo qui mediocrem has mel mel cu wisi pro.
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Digitální akvizice
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Škálování business díky platformizaci
your tech
IT architekturaGenerační posun frontendových řešení
Transformace na mikroservisní architekturu
Automatizace testování a nasazování aplikací
Digitalize your products
Zrychlení akvizice nových klientů
Digitální samoobslužnost v éře nového zákazníka
Zvýšení prodeje stávajícím zákazníkům
Digitalizace spolupráce s partnery
and scale
Budování dlouhodobé uživatelské spokojenosti díky personalizaci vašich řešení a služeb.
Růst díky propojení do ucelené platformy
Akcelerace business díky umělé inteligenci
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Vulputate qui wisi modus usu te error no sea ut partiendo ex modo vis. Ius paulo quo qui mediocrem has mel mel cu wisi pro.
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The Future of AI in E-Commerce: Detecting Fraud or Trying on a T-shirt Online Will No Longer Be a Problem
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is now a buzzword that can be used to hide almost any automated system for use in the online industry. Many companies and startups boast about implementing AI just to make their products more attractive. In this article, Michal Krňák presents one of the most dynamic areas where AI can deliver real results with the right approach. That is e-commerce.
Self-Service Portal as the Gateway to 21st Century Customer Service
Self-service platforms offer users a wide range of services and options that allow them to easily interact and manage their affairs without the need for physical presence or involvement of other people. Read about the benefits of self-service portals for both users and service providers, and how this innovative technology is shaping our digital experience.
The Near Future of DevOps – Preparing for a Formula 1 Race
DevOps affects the efficiency and operability of companies in a fundamental way. Those who have not mastered DevOps at the highest level are depriving themselves of the ability to respond quickly to market opportunities, to changes in customer needs and wants, and ultimately to organizational changes in companies.
3 Technological Trends/Bubbles in Insurance for 2024
In today's dynamic world, technology is evolving faster than ever before. But how do we distinguish real technology trends from temporary fads that may just be inflated bubbles?
Shopping and Personal Data in the Era of E-commerce Giants
Several online retailers of immense proportions have entered the CEE e-commerce markets. While their presence in the domestic market may promise a new, potentially broader selection of very affordable goods for the customers in CEE region, it also raises concerns for many regarding the security of personal data.
Data Governance, the neglected side of data solutions
Data is the new oil of the 21st century. Its value to businesses is irreplaceable. Data Governance (DG) plays a vital role in ensuring the quality, integrity and security of these valuable assets. Without data governance, you can get into a messy mess.
Artificial intelligence is yet to have an unprecedented transformative effect
How does Lukáš Matějka, founder and leader of the technology startup, perceive the hype around artificial intelligence?
Petr Buchbauer: We want to create a world where digital services give us more freedom
Interview with CEO Lundegaard Petr Buchbauer
Ester Štrochová: Benefits of automated visual testing
Pixel perfect web solution for Moneta Money Bank or 5 benefits of automated visual testing
ICT team leader Karolina Michlová: Sometimes you have to be assertive and not be put off
Interview with ICT team leader Karolina Michlova about her leadership position in the male team.
PPL: work with map documents from in React
We have compiled an interactive map of PPL outlets for the client and its business partners, where customers can pick up their shipments according to their needs.
By how much percent can AI increase e-shop sales?
Interview with FastAI team leader Lukáš Matějka about individual content for each user and fear of artificial intelligence.
Personalisation of online content is possible without cookies
If you manage a website and want to know as much as possible about your customers, you're probably wondering how to do without cookies in the future. It's possible.
From our blog
The Future of AI in E-Commerce: Detecting Fraud or Trying on a T-shirt Online Will No Longer Be a Problem
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is now a buzzword that can be used to hide almost any automated system for use in the online industry. Many companies and startups boast about implementing AI just to make their products more attractive. In this article, Michal Krňák presents one of the most dynamic areas where AI can deliver real results with the right approach. That is e-commerce.
Self-Service Portal as the Gateway to 21st Century Customer Service
Self-service platforms offer users a wide range of services and options that allow them to easily interact and manage their affairs without the need for physical presence or involvement of other people. Read about the benefits of self-service portals for both users and service providers, and how this innovative technology is shaping our digital experience.